Find Your Reset
Have you ever examined your life and found yourself wondering, “How did I get here?”
Maybe it was one big decision that changed the trajectory of your journey. Or perhaps it was a bunch of small, seemingly insignificant decisions that caused you to wander slowly from where you want to be—or thought you would be at this point in your life. You’re not alone. Everyone has moments like that, subtle or dramatic.
Even Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, needed a reset.
They both lived in a perfect garden surrounded by purity, beauty, abundance, and everything else they could need. They were loved, taken care of, and they experienced personal fellowship with God. But even in those ideal conditions, Adam and Eve wandered from their path. Instead of choosing God’s best and trusting His perfect design for their lives, Eve indulged Satan’s lies and ate the one fruit that God told her not to. She then shared it with Adam, who also succumbed to false promises of becoming God-like. God had more for them. But they abandoned it all for fleeting pleasure.
The story doesn’t end there though. Life as they knew it ended, but God’s love for them didn’t end.
After Adam and Eve’s entire world changed, they realized they needed a reset.
Sometimes we all need a reset.
What is a reset?
A reset is an invitation from Jesus for a fresh start in life. He offers a reset because He can restore any area of your life to its true purpose. Wherever you are, Jesus is ready to take you farther and deeper. Jesus stands ready to reset your life.
But maybe you’re not quite there. In fact, you may just feel exhausted from pushing so hard in life that you need to take a breather. Or maybe you feel like your messed-up life isn’t the place to meet God – you feel vulnerable about your past mistakes and just want to walk away from that part of your life. Wherever your darkness is darkest, that’s where Jesus’ light is brightest.
All around the world, people are experiencing a reset moment in their lives. Your reset moment begins when you make a commitment to Jesus for the first time.
Jesus, Reset My Faith
A faith reset requires one thing: Trusting Jesus to lead you from where you’ve been to where He wants you to be. It’s not about figuring it all out. It’s not even about being good enough. Faith is simply turning to Jesus, the Author, and Finisher of our faith.
Jesus, Reset My Plans
There is nothing more important in life than being confident that we are precisely where God wants us to be. To reset your plans, surrender your life agenda and open your hands to what He has for you – His way, His time.
Jesus, Reset My Self-Image
If you doubt your worth, confess it to God and ask Him to open your eyes and allow you to see who you are in Him. He made you, and He has plans and a purpose for your life.
Jesus, Reset My Relationships
Assess the relationships in your life: They are leading either toward life or death. If there is a relationship in your life that is keeping you from hope, love, and joy, flee from it! Instead, walk closely with a handful of people who are just as passionate about loving Jesus as you are – this is community as God intended it to be.
Jesus, Reset My Purity
Resetting purity starts with a surrender of triggers and temptations. Ask Jesus, in prayer each day, for the strength to live the next twenty-four hour period in purity. Surround yourself with friends who are committed to walking with Jesus and with whom you can talk freely about your purity goals. In Jesus, the sinful are redeemed; the weak made strong. In Jesus, all things are made new.
Jesus, Reset My Habits
Jesus says, “Come into my presence. Still your mind. Quiet your thoughts. Hear from me. And then take the grace and peace I’ve given you and share it with a chaotic and embittered world.” Start to reset your habits each day with prayer and Bible reading. Talk to God throughout the day, asking Him to give you strength to be grateful, kind, and wise. Day by day, add new habits that lead to life and subtract those that don’t.
Jesus, Reset My Affections
To reset your affections, give up whatever is standing between you and Jesus – just let it go, in His powerful name. Placing God in the top spot of your life also means prioritizing every area of your life for Him.
Jesus, Reset My Generation
A reset for your generation starts with obedience and prayer. “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
Who do you know that needs Jesus? What are you going to do about it? God wants to use your life to make a difference for eternity.
Ready for a reset?
Today you may be at a place in your life where you’re just confused. You’re tired of trying and don’t know where to go next. Jesus changes everything.
Yes, everything else is worthless when compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ. – Philippians 3:8